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Live Recording: Digital transformation (DX) business model changes and technology trend’s to meet Operational Performance

With William McEvoy, Global Industry Principal Power & Utilities, Aveva

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Recorded Live at Operational Excellence in Energy, Chemicals & Resources North America - Online - June 1st, 2021

Digital transformation (DX) business model changes and technology trend’s to meet Operational Performance

Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change the business model, digitalization help is the power and utility companies to optimize their network flows, better asset life management and innovate with customer centric products. Many power and utility companies are adopting more and more digitalization in their operations in order to become more effective and customer-centric and to reduce capital and operational budgets target’s. 

This session will discuss how leveraging real-time data within an operational data platform enables digitalization within power and utilities sector to optimize operational performance. Within the presentation, industry trends will be covered along with multiple use cases based on some of the top energy providers in the world.

William McEvoy, Global Industry Principal Power & Utilities, Aveva