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Live Recording: 7 Ways New AI/ML Operationalization Tools Will Change How You Think About Manufacturing 

Mark Palmer, General Manager of Data, Analytics and Data Science, TIBCO

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Recorded live at Data-Driven Operational Excellence in Manufacturing - July 14, 2021

7 Ways New AI/ML Operationalization Tools Will Change How You Think About Manufacturing 
90% of the predictive models created by data science teams don’t make it into production. One of the hottest trends of 2022 are new innovations in “model operationalization” tools that democratize the process of deploying predictive algorithms into manufacturing operations in a way business users can see and control. This presentation introduces model operationalization and explains 7 ways it can change your thinking about modern manufacturing innovation. 

The 7 Ways Are: 

  1. Manufacturing business users control algorithms, not the other way around
  2. AI becomes more transparent and therefore safer to deploy
  3. ModelOps facilitates continuous learning with AI
  4. Models more easily predict and fix flaws in assumptions
  5. Hot algorithm deployment adds dynamism to manufacturing operations to fascinate just-in-time Ops
  6. Elastic deployment allows for changes on the fly
  7. AI behavior becomes auditable 

Mark Palmer, General Manager of Data, Analytics and Data Science, TIBCO