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Live Recording: Achieve Growth, Profitability and Sustainability Through Value Chain Optimization and Performance Intelligence

With Keith Chambers, Vice President, Operations Management Software, AVEVA 

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Recorded live at Data-Driven Operational Excellence in Manufacturing - July 14, 2021

Achieve Growth, Profitability and Sustainability Through Value Chain Optimization and Performance Intelligence 

Manufacturing is undergoing a revolution, dubbed “The Great Reset” by the World Economic Forum. At the core of this revolution is data, enabling new insights and ways of working in the plant and across a supply chain that is constantly changing. The traditional lean and six sigma approach to optimizing the manufacturing operations can no longer keep up, so in order to enhance operational efficiency, global companies across every industry are reaching toward new, intelligent, digital solutions to improve agility, minimize waste and loss, and boost productivity; driving towards the autonomous factory. This is the Age of Performance – a new era in which Performance Intelligence helps manufacturers to elevate their operations, enhance plant and supply chain agility, and find new answers to tomorrow’s challenges. Keith Chambers from AVEVA, the leading industrial software supplier, shares how your current operational technology can become part of a performance intelligence solution to help deliver growth, profitability and sustainability to your operations.  

Keith Chambers, Vice President, Operations Management Software, AVEVA