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Special Report: A Look at the 2024 Methane Mitigation Technology Landscape

Insights from GHGSat, Paradigm by Puloli, Envana Software Solutions and Shepherd Safety Systems

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Maryam Irfan
Maryam Irfan

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An article shared by the European Directorate-General for Energy states that ‘40% of the methane in today’s atmosphere occurs naturally, while 60% of the potent gas is ‘anthropogenic’, meaning it is the result of pollution caused by human activity’ – highlighting emissions reduction as a significant step towards producing positive outcomes.  

Industrial stakeholders are quickly recognizing that high emissions intensities can be cost-effectively addressed through a well-established combination of standards: effective regulations and technological innovation. 
In a panel discussion at Industrial Decarbonization Network’s Methane Mitigation America Summit, Rebecca A. Steinmann, Global Director Emissions Control at industrial manufacturer John Crane explained, “It’s not a pick your technology providers and then you’re done. It’s a journey, so you need to constantly re-evaluate the mixture of technology you need based on site needs, constraints, and emissions profile." 

Download the Special Report for an in-depth exploration of the diverse range of technology solutions and innovations offered by Paradigm by Puloli, Shepherd Safety Systems, GHGSat, and Envana Software Solutions, examining the regulatory landscape and the trends and challenges shaping the industry. Read as representatives from each participating solution provider share exclusive insights into the role of data analytics, collaborative approaches, and how they see the industry evolving over the next decade.