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Episode 5: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape with IOGP Europe

A conversation with Emils Lagzdins, Senior Policy Officer at IOGP Europe

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Emils Lagzdins
Emils Lagzdins

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is the global voice of the oil and gas industry, leading in safe, efficient, and sustainable energy supply to enable a low-carbon future. IOGP Europe's members include integrated energy companies, national oil companies, independent upstream operators, service companies, and industry associations that operate globally, supplying over 40% of the world’s oil and gas demand. For nearly 50 years, they have served as a unique forum, sharing expertise and best practices in safety, health, environment, engineering, and now, industry and energy transitions.

In this episode of Methane Talks, we are joined by Emils Lagzdins, Senior Policy Officer at IOGP Europe. Emils has spent three years with IOGP Europe in Brussels, engaging with the upstream oil and gas industry, EU institutions, and other stakeholders on issues such as the EU Methane Regulation, carbon markets, and security of supply. Before joining IOGP Europe, Emils worked on international energy policies in DG ENER of the European Commission.

Listen as Emils shares his insights on the new methane reduction regulation in the EU, its impact on the oil and gas industry, and his predictions for the outcomes of COP28!

Interested in learning more?

Hear from Europe's leading oil and gas operators, academics, industry initiatives, and more at our upcoming Methane Mitigation Europe Summit in Amsterdam. Download the agenda here