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Live Recording: How to Accelerate Adoption and Advocacy for Your Connected Worker Program

with Jaime Urquidi, Regional VP & CPG Industry Head at Parsable

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Recorded Live at Connected Worker: Food and Beverage Manufacturing - June 22, 2021

How to Accelerate Adoption and Advocacy for Your Connected Worker Program

Global crises and uncertainty. A widening generational knowledge and skills gap. Batch size one complexities. The pressure on food and beverage manufacturers is mounting on multiple fronts, forcing new urgency to connect frontline workers to the right people, information, systems and machines and accelerate productivity, safety, quality and sustainability. In this session, learn the right questions to ask and the key actions to take to increase adoption, drive advocacy and achieve faster value from your digital transformation and connected worker programs. What foundational pieces need to be in place? How do you chart a practical path up-and-to-the-right along the connected worker maturity curve? How have other food and beverage companies scaled their initiatives? Get the answers to these questions and more in this informative session.

Jaime Urquidi, Regional VP & CPG Industry Head, Parsable



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