An interview with Eric Berger, Head of Manufacturing System / Transformation and Performance at Sanofi
"This transformation is not something only coming from the top, but rather something that must be deployed at site level."
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What does operational excellence mean to Sanofi operations?
At the beginning, operational excellence meant delivering, exploring full leads, completing a full methodology, and improving the way we work. What
has changed more recently is that, today operational excellence also focuses on engaging people and making sure that we have the opportunity to leverage both the energy and contribution of everyone in the organisation. To achieve this, we have put in place visual management, which involves a new way of working to make sure people are participating on a daily basis in what is going on from the shop floor to the corporate level.
Secondly, operational excellence is an enabler to help the company deliver performance and ensure that we are going to make smart choices when improving the network.
Lastly, it involves delivering on a day-to-day basis for the patient. The most important thing, for us is to make sure that drugs and medicines are always available and accessible for patients.
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