Insight Report: Quality Driven ESG - Build Trust by Improving Data Quality
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As we move towards 2030, maintaining high standards for protecting the environment and human rights is becoming very good for business. Investors are increasingly monitoring environmental, social and governance (ESG) intentions and outcomes to inform decision making, and lenders are reducing the cost of capital for organizations that maintain high ESG standards. None of these choices are possible without accurate, reliable and meaningful ESG data and analytics.
In this Insight Report, you will learn about a new analytical method called AIADV (arrivals, integration, analysis, delivery and value), based on SIPOC (suppliers, inputs, processes, outputs and customers), which is “an elaboration of the systems diagram used by Dr. Edwards Deming in his lectures to Japanese industry leaders in the summer of 1950” (Brown, 2019). More recently, this technique has been validated by data quality engineering teams who have had direct experience improving the quality of ESG data and management processes for medium and large enterprises.
Download the report now to start developing a coherent ESG data management strategy
with transparency and visibility.