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Whitepaper: Building a Framework for Recall Readiness

The five logical steps and processes that your company can implement to be better prepared to respond to virtually any recall issue.

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Cross contamination, pathogens, and faulty labeling are just some of the possible reasons why food and beverage manufacturers must recall products. While recalls are not an inevitable outcome for all manufacturers, those that are prepared to quickly respond to recalls are more likely to minimize potential disruptions, costs, and damage to their reputations. This executive brief will discuss the five logical steps and processes that your company can implement to be better prepared to respond to virtually any recall issue- and perhaps event prevent a recall from being needed in the first place. 

Read our latest whitepaper and discover:

  • Why recalls can be invitable 
  • Discover the 5 logical steps needed to be better prepared for a recall 
  • How you can leverage technology to optimize these steps to build a sound framework for recall readiness 

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