Dan Morrison

Supervisor, Corporate Sustainability Birchcliff Energy

Main Conference Day 1: Tuesday, June 3, 2025

4:30 PM Panel: Accelerating the Development of Disruptive Methane Technologies

Technology accelerators play a crucial role in fostering innovation and scaling disruptive methane mitigation technologies. Yet with many working in isolation, there may be missed opportunities for collaboration that could drive further progress. This panel will explore how accelerators are pushing the limits of detection, quantification, and reduction, while also addressing how to build a strong case for new technologies.

·       Examine how accelerator programs can streamline the testing and scaling of new methane detection and reduction technologies

·       Explore pathways for commercializing breakthrough technologies, from pilot testing to full-scale deployment across the oil and gas value chain

·       Discuss strategies for de-risking technology - How do we empower the leaders and fast followers?

·       Outline components of a strong project proposal and address the common challenges methane projects face when seeking funding

·       Identify ways to bridge the gap between conventional projects and required investment to test and scale innovative technologies

Main Conference Day 2: Wednesday, June 4, 2025

9:40 AM (N) Eliminating Leaks around Compressors

Compressors are a critical source of methane emissions yet leaks often go undetected until they become significant. Explore the latest technologies for early leak detection and rapid response strategies.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Dan.

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