Manuel Coxe

Secretary General MARCOGAZ

Manuel Coxe is the Secretary General of MARCOGAZ since 2020, where he guides the activities of the association in close collaboration with the Executive Board members and technical committees, while managing the Secretariat. Manuel also currently serves as Vice-Chairman of the European Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Stakeholders Group. With more than 20 years of professional of experience in the energy sector, including competence in hydrogen, natural gas and power, Manuel has held different management and technical positions before joining MARCOGAZ. Previously, Manuel was Head of Unit at IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), Secretary General of Europex (European power exchanges), Secretary General a.i. at European electricity TSOs (currently named ENTSOE), grid operator at the Portuguese electricity and gas TSO and academic researcher on power electronics and motion control, spanning various countries, including Portugal, Germany, United Arab Emirates and Belgium. Manuel`s expertise and interests range from system operation and management for electricity and gas networks (including hydrogen, biomethane and natural gas) to energy policy and energy markets. His education background includes energy systems engineering (MEng.) from the University of Lisbon, business administration (MBA) from the University of Durham Business School and economics (PhD Program) from the Université de Bruxelles. In addition, he pursued executive education in management law from the University of Harvard Law School, communications from the Ivey Business School of University of Western Ontario, and psychology from the University of Oxford.

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