Blake Wickland

Director Methane Emissions Leadership Alliance (MELA)

Agenda Day One (October 1)

8:40 AM Navigating The Rulebook: Deciphering Proposed Industry Regulations and Their Significance

In the wake of newly proposed federal regulation regarding methane emissions in the oil and gas industry, this session will offer industry representatives, leaders, and regulators the opportunity to comment on these developments and propose amendments to be considered amongst the subsequent legislative review period. The panel will consider:

  • What technological advancements and operational changes will be necessary to meet the new regulatory standards?
  • What are the potential economic consequences of the new regulation on the oil and gas industry, including the costs of implementation, potential revenue streams from emissions reduction, and market shifts?
  • How can companies adapt to stay competitive while ensuring compliance?
  • If a provision which would allow companies to avoid compliance by installing promising, but as-yet unproven, technologies for continuous methane monitoring will threaten to undermine real progress or foster progress?
  •  Exploring a comparison of potential variances in Provinces’ adoption of the regulation

9:50 AM Designing a Business Case for Methane Mitigation Technology

This discussion will bring together policymakers, technology providers, and NGOs to explore the critical aspects of fostering technology research and development (R&D) with an aim to unlock the full potential of technology in the methane mitigation landscape, ensuring that Canada remains a leader in this field. Technology serves as the linchpin in reducing methane emissions efficiently and sustainably. We'll discuss how policies, innovation, and financing can empower technology to be the driving force in our shared goal of mitigating methane emissions effectively. Attend to:

  • Understand the importance of policies which champion R&D, early commercialization, and expansion stages
  • De-politicize technology innovation and embrace optionality
  • Prioritize consideration of the entire technology development cycle, understand costs, and design policies that target critical stages for the technology take-off
  • Evaluate how we can de-risk investments and secure infrastructure build-out
  • Discuss access to financing and self-activating incentives

2:15 PM In Demand: Overcoming Barriers to Compliance

The Canadian government is elevating emissions-monitoring standards by implementing a risk-based framework for conducting inspections on fugitive emissions. This approach mandates more frequent inspections for facilities with equipment that poses higher emission risks. Additionally, the draft regulations introduce an audit system, necessitating an annual third-party inspection to verify company program outcomes which is proposed to take effect in 2027. However, there are growing concerns about the capacity of service providers to undertake such inspections. Join us to:

  • Explore potential solutions and best practices to address the challenges posed by the proposed regulations, fostering a constructive dialogue among industry experts, regulators, and stakeholders
  • Assess the readiness of third-party inspection service providers to meet the demands of the proposed audit system, acknowledging the current labour shortage
  • Discuss how government, the education system, and industry can collaborate to encourage a new generation of workforce to enter the service provider industry
  • Discuss how we can maintain a level balance between supply and demand to ensure producers are not compromised in their ability to comply with regulation

3:25 PM The Emissions Journey: Managing Emissions Across the Entire Natural Gas Value Chain to Mitigate Methane

As Canada increasingly turns to Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) for its energy needs, the imperative to tackle methane emissions along the LNG value chain has never been more critical. Considering the growing use of LNG as a fuel across Canada, this session will explore how we can ensure methane emissions are managed effectively, focusing on:

  • Insights into the diverse sources and complexities of emissions
  • Exploring advanced materials, such as alloys and coatings, for reducing the likelihood of leaks from legacy pipeline systems
  • Examining real-world examples and case studies from Natural Gas production and pipeline operators who have successfully implemented emissions reduction strategies
  • Prioritizing characterization of methane emissions from each element in the gas production, processing, and transport chain, including evaluation of specific components such as pipelines, valves, pneumatic controllers, compressors, and storage tanks

4:45 PM Investor And Insurer Insights: The Methane Emissions ‘Opportunity’

Sustainable investment is increasingly becoming a priority for financial institutions, and it is imperative that the oil and gas industry understands the criterion from which they are assessing viable investment and partnership opportunities. In total, an estimated $100 billion in investment is required by 2030 to deploy all methane abatement measures in the Oil & Gas sector, necessitating a concerted effort from both financial institutions and industry to align investment strategies with abatement goals. Additionally, with insurers poised as key stakeholders of the organizations they underwrite, it is key that an open line of communication is established regarding expectations and perceived risks as we move forward with the low-carbon transition. Hear from the experts themselves to:


  • Understand expectations related to the criteria and metrics utilized to assess investment and partnership opportunities
  • Gain a clear picture of underwriting criteria and available resources to support clients in adopting new technologies
  • Explore how investors perceive methane emissions mitigation not merely as a risk management strategy but as an avenue to unlock hidden value and promote long-term sustainability
  • Discover the potential for innovative solutions and technologies to catalyze positive financial outcomes
  • Discuss what companies can do to restore confidence in emissions reporting and mitigation plans
  • Debate what investors regard as best practice for methane emissions reporting and mitigation
  • Explore what methane data investors are using today, and what will they require in future?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Blake.

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