Ryan Newcomer

Sustainability Advisor Targa Resources

Ryan Newcomer is a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) with 20 years of experience in the oil & gas industry. He currently serves as a Sustainability Advisor for Targa Resources and as co-chair for the ONE Future Technical Committee. Prior to joining Targa, he filled various ES&H roles at Continental Resources, Koch Industries, and Buckeye Partners. He also holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Science & Management from Duquesne University and a Bachelor degree in Environmental Science from Juniata College. Ryan’s approach to creating value for business and society is rooted in his belief that there will always be opportunities to more efficiently and effectively achieve goals

Main Conference Day 2: Thursday, December 5

1:40 PM The Emissions Journey: Managing Emissions Across the Entire Natural Gas Value Chain

Natural gas is the largest source of primary energy production in the United States and is expected to play a crucial role in energy security and an important role in economic security through 2050 under all EIA scenarios. With this in mind, it is imperative to adopt comprehensive strategies for managing emissions across the entire natural gas value chain to mitigate methane. Join our expert panellists as they:

  • Give insights into the diverse sources and complexities of emissions
  • Explore advanced materials for reducing the likelihood of leaks from legacy pipeline systems
  • Prioritize characterization of methane emissions from each element in the gas production, processing, and transport chain, including evaluation of specific components such as pipelines, valves, pneumatic controllers, compressors, and storage tanks
  • Champion strong communication and collaboration across the value chain to gain a clear oversight of emissions and promote sustainability 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ryan.

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