Don Kinder

Environmental Manager Marathon Petroleum

Pre-conference Workshop Day: Tuesday, December 3

8:00 AM Workshop C: Keeping It in the Pipe: Scaling Your LDAR Program to Maintain Pipeline Integrity

In the context of newly proposed regulation which demands the highest standard of LDAR practices, it is now essential to assess the intricacies of designing and implementing cutting-edge strategies for precision management of fugitive emissions. This workshop will review the regulation and explore in depth how to design and implement a strategy for precision management of fugitive emissions. Join to:


  • Explore advanced leak detection and reduction technologies
  • Improve the precision of fugitive emissions management, including optimized inspection frequencies, prioritization of leak repairs, and data-driven decision-making processes
  • Evaluate whether LDAR is truly the right approach – are there other pressure signatures that can be indicative of an imminent leak which can be used as a preventative tool?
  • Harness real-time monitoring systems to detect anomalies and potential integrity threats

Main Conference Day 2: Thursday, December 5

1:40 PM The Emissions Journey: Managing Emissions Across the Entire Natural Gas Value Chain

Natural gas is the largest source of primary energy production in the United States and is expected to play a crucial role in energy security and an important role in economic security through 2050 under all EIA scenarios. With this in mind, it is imperative to adopt comprehensive strategies for managing emissions across the entire natural gas value chain to mitigate methane. Join our expert panellists as they:

  • Give insights into the diverse sources and complexities of emissions
  • Explore advanced materials for reducing the likelihood of leaks from legacy pipeline systems
  • Prioritize characterization of methane emissions from each element in the gas production, processing, and transport chain, including evaluation of specific components such as pipelines, valves, pneumatic controllers, compressors, and storage tanks
  • Champion strong communication and collaboration across the value chain to gain a clear oversight of emissions and promote sustainability 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Don.

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