Main Conference Day 2: Thursday, December 5

7:30 am - 8:00 am Check In & Networking Breakfast

7:15 am - 8:00 am Breakfast Insights - The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Carbon Credits and Emissions Trading Programs

Enjoy your morning coffee with the perfect blend of expert insights and practical advice. Join us as we delve into the essential market mechanisms driving the rise of carbon credits and emissions trading programs. Discover how to effectively leverage carbon credits, navigate emissions trading for compliance, enhance your environmental strategy, and optimize operational efficiency in today's dynamic regulatory landscape.

8:00 am - 8:05 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Following the 29th edition of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, this session provides a prime opportunity for industry leaders to delve into the key implications of the meeting upon the Oil and Gas sector, while discussing actionable strategies that align with the global climate agenda, to drive transformative change within the energy sector. Our panellists will:

  • Analyze the key outcomes and agreements, including an update on the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter
  • Translate COP-29 commitments into tangible strategies for your business
  •  Explore sustainable funding models to drive industry transition and resilience
  • Examine what advancements have been made since COP 28 to support monitoring and management of methane emissions



Kristin Tatum

Vice President, Finance, ESG & Air Permitting and Compliance
Kinder Morgan


Dr. Faye Gerard

Energy Transition Director
IOGP, Seconded from bp

8:45 am - 9:15 am Optimizing Strategy Evaluation with Accurate Methane Emissions Data

  • What strategies can you employ to proficiently aggregate emissions data from a combination of detection technologies?
  • Identify the root causes of events and formulate data-driven strategies
  • How can you enhance your ability to forecast and prevent fugitive emissions?
  • Optimize the measurement and reporting of methane emissions data at the organizational level
  • Leverage emerging technologies for data validation and quality control

9:15 am - 10:00 am Interactive Roundtables

These interactive roundtables are your opportunity to take part in facilitated group discussions with your peers. High-impact learning awaits as you engage in open dialogues about current challenges, share insights, and brainstorm solutions. Choose the discussion group you would like to attend. Each runs for 35 minutes.

Interactive Roundtables

9:15 am - 10:00 am IR H: Emissions Factor Uncertainty
Milind Bhatte - Manager, Methane Measurement, ConocoPhillips

Milind Bhatte

Manager, Methane Measurement


Rebecca Denney

Director of ESG and Regulatory Policy
American Exploration & Production Council

9:15 am - 10:00 am IR J: Transitioning From Natural Gas to Compressed Air

9:15 am - 10:00 am IR K: Eliminating Leaks around Compressors

9:15 am - 10:00 am IR L: The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Methane Mitigation
Trevor Gleisner - Supervisor Emissions Control, Diamondback Energy

Trevor Gleisner

Supervisor Emissions Control
Diamondback Energy


Jennifer Huffhines

Environmental & Air Manager
Gulfport Energy


B.J. Carney

Vice President Geoscience & Innovation
Northeast Natural Energy LLC

10:00 am - 10:30 am Morning Networking Break

This session explores the key considerations involved in developing and deploying an effective methane abatement strategy. Hear from your operator peers who are reducing emissions in the Permian Basin and SCOOP by effectively integrating methane abatement into their operations. This will allow you to gain actionable insights and inspiration for your own initiatives. Join us to:


  • Discuss using a Best Available Technique (BAT) assessment approach for selecting abatement technologies for operations
  • Receive recommendations on how to train and mobilize your workforce to actively participate in methane reduction efforts
  • Optimize employee awareness and participation to drive continuous improvement
  • Explore how we can try to prioritize methane abatement over other projects
  • Gain insights into overcoming challenges and barriers commonly faced during implementation
  • Study successful case studies of organizations that have effectively integrated methane abatement into their operations



Brook Simmons

The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma


Jennifer Huffhines

Environmental & Air Manager
Gulfport Energy


Trevor Gleisner

Supervisor Emissions Control
Diamondback Energy


Daniel Sheahan

Director, Sustainability
Chord Energy


11:10 am - 11:40 am A Guide to Quantifying Methane Emissions on Offshore Platforms using Drone Technology
  • Revolutionize your detection and measurement capabilities
  • Understand their capabilities in performing both site-level assessments and identifying specific emitting equipment or components
  • Improve accuracy and actionability of results by determining optimum fly-over frequency
  • Evaluate efficiency in relation to safety regulations, the balance between plume dispersion, detection distance, and concentration levels


11:40 am - 12:10 pm Maintaining Operational Efficiency Reducing Emissions: A Best Practice Approach
DaMonica Pierson - Environmental Manager, Gulf of Mexico Assets, Shell
  • Address regulatory requirements specific to offshore operations and their impact on emission reduction strategies
  • How can partnerships, industry standards, and information sharing can enhance offshore methane mitigation efforts
  • Explore specific requirements for offshore technology use, including safety certifications that consider environmental conditions
  • Consider if ‘Net-zero’ is truly possible in an offshore setting 

DaMonica Pierson

Environmental Manager, Gulf of Mexico Assets


11:10 am - 11:40 am Navigating LDAR Efficiency

·       Gain insights into strategies for optimizing LDAR programs

·       Identify common mistakes and discover solutions to overcome challenges

·       Understand the risks of failed regulatory compliance

·       Detail best practices for sensor calibration and validation

·       Examine the use of remote monitoring technologies to enhance LDAR program efficiency


11:40 am - 12:10 pm A Call to Action: Identifying Infrastructure to Pinpoint Emissions
Michelle Miano - Environmental Protection Division Director, New Mexico Environment Department
  • Locating assets and attributing emissions in a challenging US landscape
  • Understand the transformational impact of up-to-date mapping that details not only where infrastructure is, but who owns it
  • Transforming the actionability of satellite-based point source methane sensing
  • Discuss the best route forward in relation to actioning such a project

Michelle Miano

Environmental Protection Division Director
New Mexico Environment Department


11:10 am - 11:40 am Continuous Monitoring for Continuous Improvement in Emissions Reduction

·       Evaluate various continuous monitoring technologies

·       Discuss the advantages and limitations of each technology and their applicability in different operational environments

·       Explore common challenges faced in implementing continuous monitoring systems, such as data integration, equipment maintenance, and regulatory compliance

·       Share best practices and strategies for overcoming these challenges, including effective data management protocols


11:40 am - 12:10 pm A Story of Reconciliation
Milind Bhatte - Manager, Methane Measurement, ConocoPhillips
  • Explore the intricacies of OGMP 2.0 and Level 5 reporting and understand how advanced technology can be strategically employed to put these concepts into practice within your operations
  • Understand the importance of the reconciliation in improving accuracy, thoroughness and confidence in reported emissions
  • Hear real-life examples of effective reconciliation practices that use technology to improve emissions reporting. 

Milind Bhatte

Manager, Methane Measurement

12:20 pm - 1:10 pm Networking Lunch

1:10 pm - 1:40 pm Driving Data-Informed Mitigation Action with NETL's PRIMO Tool

  • Rank candidate emissions sources (based on user-based criteria)
  • Identify high-impact, high-efficiency mitigation project candidates
  • Compare competing mitigation projects quantitatively (through transparently computed project impact and efficiency scores)


Natural gas is the largest source of primary energy production in the United States and is expected to play a crucial role in energy security and an important role in economic security through 2050 under all EIA scenarios. With this in mind, it is imperative to adopt comprehensive strategies for managing emissions across the entire natural gas value chain to mitigate methane. Join our expert panellists as they:

  • Give insights into the diverse sources and complexities of emissions
  • Explore advanced materials for reducing the likelihood of leaks from legacy pipeline systems
  • Prioritize characterization of methane emissions from each element in the gas production, processing, and transport chain, including evaluation of specific components such as pipelines, valves, pneumatic controllers, compressors, and storage tanks
  • Champion strong communication and collaboration across the value chain to gain a clear oversight of emissions and promote sustainability 

Gabriella Farnham

Director, Environmental Analytics and Reporting
Phillips 66


Don Kinder

Environmental Manager
Marathon Petroleum


Ryan Newcomer

Sustainability Advisor
Targa Resources

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm ‘Designing Out’ Emissions Through Facility Design

Chris Addison - Team Lead, Facilities Engineering, Diamondback Energy
  • Explore innovative design principles and technologies aimed at minimizing emissions throughout the facility lifecycle
  • Discuss the role of facility layout, equipment selection, and process optimization in reducing emissions
  • Learn about best practices for integrating emission reduction strategies into facility design and engineering processes
  • Case studies highlighting successful examples of emission-conscious facility design and implementation

Chris Addison

Team Lead, Facilities Engineering
Diamondback Energy

2:50 pm - 3:30 pm ‘Forging Collaboration’ Networking Session

Take a respite from a day of immersive learning to digest and analyze some of the summit’s key themes with like-minded peers. Use our dedicated private meeting spaces to exchange innovative ideas and build valuable connections that drive collaborative efforts in methane mitigation. Or enjoy our group meeting spaces for small, unstructured gatherings that promote dialogue about common interests and topics. 

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Small Scale, Big Impact: Methane Reduction Strategies at EagleRidge Energy

Michael Hodges - HSE Manager, EagleRidge Energy, LLC

EagleRidge Energy, a Dallas-based Oil & Gas company, focuses its operations in the Barnett Shale of North Texas, managing over 2,300 wells across 330,000 gross acres in 16 counties. As a smaller operator, EagleRidge lacks the extensive resources and historical planning capacities characteristic of the US majors. However, their experience in crafting and executing a methane mitigation plan offers valuable insights into the innovative and resourceful strategies employed to address methane emissions effectively within a smaller operational framework. Join EagleRidge to discuss how they:


  • Assess emissions and develop a structured mitigation plan
  • Harness cost-effective technologies and practices to detect and reduce methane compliance with local, state, and federal regulation’s role of regulatory guidance in shaping their mitigation strategies
  • Leveraged collaborations and partnerships with technology providers, industry groups, and regulatory agencies to enhance their methane mitigation efforts

Michael Hodges

HSE Manager
EagleRidge Energy, LLC

Since August of 2022, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has received over $58mm in funding through the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act to properly plug and abandon oil and gas wells thereby reducing methane emissions from these sources. This work adds to New York’s extensive efforts in reducing methane emissions via NY’s own 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. This session will provide insight into the cross-departmental collaboration, frameworks, and methodologies that have been developed to drive state-wide emissions reductions. 


Catherine Dickert

Director of Mineral Resources
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation


Ona Papageorgiou

Chief, Mobile Source & Climate Change Planning
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Regulatory Exchange: Collaboration to Accelerate Methane Mitigation

Recent regulatory updates now require operators to measure, report, and reduce methane emissions through five separate rules. This expert dialogue will serve as a platform for regulatory representatives to share insights, lessons learned, and strategies for supporting operators within their respective jurisdictions. Join our expert panel as they:

  • Explore the role of regulatory guidance, training programs, and technical assistance in facilitating compliance
  • Discuss opportunities for cross-jurisdictional learning and collaboration
  • Navigating conflicts in the specificities of different rules
  • Consider how regulation can be more reward based
  • What rules are coming down the pipe?