Pre-conference Workshop Day: Tuesday, December 3

7:30 am - 8:00 am Registration And Networking Breakfast

8:00 am - 9:30 am Workshop A: The Methane Abatement Toolbox: Moving from Strategy to Execution
Angela Zivkovich - Air Policy Manager, Oxy

This workshop will show you how to translate your methane abatement strategy into concrete actions and move from methane detection and measurement to reduction. Learn how to:


  • Translate abatement strategies into actionable steps that work within your operational framework
  • Explore the latest advancements in abatement technologies
  • Ensure regulatory compliance and environmental stewardship remains front and center in your abatement strategy
  • Optimize strategy through a Best Available Technique (BAT) assessment approach
  • Strike the right balance between reducing methane emissions and maintaining operational efficiency

Angela Zivkovich

Air Policy Manager

8:00 am - 9:30 am Workshop B: Methane Mandates: Legal Imperatives for Assured Compliance
Kyle Danish - Partner, Van Ness Feldman

US oil and gas companies are navigating a complex regulatory environment, creating significant challenges for compliance. This hands-on workshop will provide participants with the framework needed to:

  • Dissect US regulatory requirements, and examine your legal obligations
  • Gain clear insight into 5 separate rules, including the complexities of a company “netting” its emissions to reduce its WEC
  • Explore the role of advanced detection technologies
  • Develop the legal knowledge and strategies needed to achieve compliance

·       Address common challenges faced by companies 


Kyle Danish

Van Ness Feldman

8:00 am - 9:30 am Workshop C: Keeping It in the Pipe: Scaling Your LDAR Program to Maintain Pipeline Integrity
Don Kinder - Environmental Manager, Marathon Petroleum

In the context of newly proposed regulation which demands the highest standard of LDAR practices, it is now essential to assess the intricacies of designing and implementing cutting-edge strategies for precision management of fugitive emissions. This workshop will review the regulation and explore in depth how to design and implement a strategy for precision management of fugitive emissions. Join to:


  • Explore advanced leak detection and reduction technologies
  • Improve the precision of fugitive emissions management, including optimized inspection frequencies, prioritization of leak repairs, and data-driven decision-making processes
  • Evaluate whether LDAR is truly the right approach – are there other pressure signatures that can be indicative of an imminent leak which can be used as a preventative tool?
  • Harness real-time monitoring systems to detect anomalies and potential integrity threats

Don Kinder

Environmental Manager
Marathon Petroleum

9:30 am - 9:45 am Morning Networking Break For Workshop Attendees

9:45 am - 11:15 am Workshop D: Optimizing Methane Management: A Data-Driven Approach to Reduction

Beyond regulatory compliance, precision in measuring and addressing methane emissions presents a dual opportunity: mitigating environmental impact and optimizing operational efficiency. Inaccurate data can lead to regulatory penalties, financial repercussions, and missed opportunities for improvement. This workshop explores the technical intricacies of emissions management, providing participants

with actionable insights into methodologies, technologies, and best practices. Join us to:


  • Establishing accurate baseline emission data across the entire value chain
  • Predict and forecast future emissions based on historical data and current reduction efforts
  • Discover best practices for data collection, validation, and integration into decision-making processes
  • Align business objectives with sustainability goals


9:45 am - 11:15 am Workshop E: Finding The Balance: The Reconciliation Puzzle

Accurately detecting and reducing methane emissions by using a matrix of technology has never been more critical. Both ground-based and aerial detection systems create a holistic picture of emissions within your facilities. However, reconciling emissions estimates derived from top-down and bottom-up methods can create complex challenges. Attend this workshop to:


  • Understand how a range of top-down measurements are needed to reflect the variability of bottom-up emissions
  • Predict how local conditions impact the suitability of top-down technologies
  • Assess the reliability of top-down data given different emission rates and weather conditions
  •  Address common challenges faced during the reconciliation process
  • Understand how recent basin studies may inform the foundations from which regulators will assess data 

9:45 am - 11:15 am Workshop F: Constructing Operational Contingency Plans for Gas Events
Seth Long - President and CEO, Shepherd Safety Systems

In today's dynamic operational landscape, safety remains the cornerstone of organizational integrity and operational excellence. Rigorous planning and proactive measures are essential to prevent and manage gas-related incidents, especially as this aligns with the urgent environmental imperative to mitigate emissions. This workshop will provide allow you to consider you organization's preparedness and understand how to foster a culture that prioritizes safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Join us to:

  • Explore better management practices for the field
  • Evaluate existing internal contingency plans
  • Practice implementing new workflows
  • Facilitate communication across the organization to keep people safe and informed

Seth Long

President and CEO
Shepherd Safety Systems

11:15 am - 12:00 pm Networking Lunch for Workshop Attendees

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm WORKSHOP G: Creating a Methane Abatement Taskforce and Strategy
Paul Espenan - Senior Vice President EHS&R, Diversified Energy

Motivating a highly skilled workforce to engage in the often-lengthy processes required for methane abatement can be challenging. The cross-functional nature of such tasks, also, adds to issues with company-wide communication and effective collaboration.  As such, the need for an effective internal structure that fosters employee engagement, provides necessary training, and facilitates seamless collaboration is paramount. Join us to:


  • Constructing an organizational methane abatement taskforce that drives impactful emissions reduction efforts
  • Learn from industry leaders about their experiences in training and mobilizing their workforce to actively participate in methane reduction initiatives
  • Understand the critical role of employee awareness and engagement in fostering a culture of continuous improvement in efficient emissions reduction
  • Building a workforce equipped to understand and implement compliance measures effectively
  • Streamline cross-functional and departmental abatement efforts to maximize impact

Paul Espenan

Senior Vice President EHS&R
Diversified Energy

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Workshop H: Powering Sustainability: Electrification as a Means of Methane Mitigation

Electrification presents a compelling solution to reducing methane emissions from leaks, venting, and flaring. While it centralizes operations and minimizes leaks, challenges such as upfront costs and grid constraints must be addressed. Attend this workshop to:


  • Explore options for centralizing, automating, and electrifying plants to limit the risk of unidentified leaks and reduce the number of potential sources
  • Optimize infrastructure costs with lifecycle emission reduction strategies – Full grid-electric drilling, Full grid-electric fracking, Tankless Facilities, and electrified compression
  • Case study on a brownfield well site methane emission reduction with electrification
  • Understand the logistical and infrastructural issues associated with mass-scale electrification including schedule impacts and grid reliability
  • Explore technology options for reducing emissions where large scale electrification is impractical
  • Top 10 recommendations for your large-scale electrification program

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Workshop I: Voluntary Reporting: A Step –by-Step Guide
TJ Conway - Principal, Climate Intelligence Program, RMI

Voluntary reporting frameworks and initiatives are becoming increasingly common as the industry expedites efforts to rapidly reduce methane emissions and measure progress with measurement methodologies. As these programs begin to align their efforts, collaboration has clear potential to support operators with informed measurement and reporting techniques which contribute to collective national and international climate targets. Attend this workshop to:


  • Hear case studies highlighting successful implementation of voluntary reporting frameworks in methane emissions reduction efforts
  • Understand how the adoption of such frameworks can aid your organization in translating methane ambition into concrete action, thereby increasing stakeholder and customer confidence
  • Explore best practices for integrating voluntary reporting initiatives into existing methane reduction strategies
  • Gain insights into the latest developments and emerging trends in voluntary reporting frameworks 

TJ Conway

Principal, Climate Intelligence Program

1:30 pm - 1:45 pm Afternoon Networking Break for Workshop Attendees

1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Workshop J: Optimizing Subpart W reported emissions and Waste Emission Charges exposure with Leak/No Leak inspection
Oleg Mikhailov - CEO, Xplorobot
  • Review of the Subpart W Equipment Emission Factors and their increases effective on July 15, 2024
  • Review of Pneumatic Devices emission reporting changes
  • Design of optimal Leak/No Leak inspection program for oil and gas operators
  • Subpart W fugitive emission calculation methods and selecting the optimal approach
  • Case studies from operators (anonymized)
  • Xplorobot compliance solution - Digital Emission Tag and Digital Compliance Records – to protect you from future claims and penalties


Oleg Mikhailov


1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Workshop K: Elevating Insights: Leveraging Aerial Innovation

For companies operating in remote or vast regions, aerial technology presents an incredible opportunity. However, given rapid innovation, determining the most suitable technologies for your operations can be challenging. Additionally, the intermittency of methane emissions adds a layer of complexity.  Join us to discover how to:


  • Evaluate various aerial technologies capable of detecting and measuring links across diverse operating environments
  • Consider if LDAR is truly the correct approach. Can we use other forms of predictive signatures such as pressure?
  • Stay abreast of the latest advancements in gas mapping technology to enhance operational efficiency
  • Implement industry best practices to derive actionable insights

1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Workshop L: Building A Comprehensive Methane Management System

Constructing a comprehensive methane management system that is compliant with both major voluntary and regulatory frameworks in an ever-evolving landscape can be a timely and complex. Join this session to:


  • Explore the key components of a comprehensive methane management system
  • Examine best practices for integrating methane management systems into existing operational workflows and protocols
  • Evaluate cost-effective technologies and discuss cost abatement curves
  • Align internal processes with external requirements
  • Learn from recent successful implementations of comprehensive methane management systems

3:15 pm - 3:15 pm Workshop Day Concludes